The test solution for Bloomberg provides simulation of fixed-length messaging protocol thereby facilitating trade automation around Bloomberg.
The software solution provides a multifaceted approach to test automation including trade simulation, front-end UI automation, end-to-end testing, and data analysis.
Fixed-length message simulation including communication and trade messages. Diverse group of asset classes supported i.e. Fixed Income (Treasuries), Derivatives (Rates/Swaps, Spreads, Butterfly)
Automation of trade negotiation around Bloomberg between a dealer and a counterparty
Automation of trade workflows and applications connected to Bloomberg
Sophisticated, bulk data comparison of all standard file formats (xml,csv,tab,xls.etc). Support of numeric tolerances (absolute and percentage), mapping files across application versions, ignore column list, audit of analysis and comments’ entry
Large Financial Services company looking to support Electronic Fixed Income Trading; Full End-to-End Testing of Proprietary and Third-Party Financial Applications and Simulation of Bloomberg; Release cycle requiring a full regression test; Looking to reduce QA costs for overnight testing, releases & major upgrades.
See how our unmatched technology and services increase profitability, dramatically reduce errors, ensure compliance and guard against reputational damage.